Top Beginner Mistakes in Dutch Goldsmithing

Have you ever wondered how to start goldsmithing yourself? If so, then read further, as Sien Jewellery has undoubtedly been a journey that has led to its current creations. Because really, you don’t need a full education to craft beautiful jewellery pieces. Let's dive into my six common mistakes when I started my goldsmith course in Amsterdam. 

Mistake number 1: “Goldsmithing needs to be pursued through full time education.”

Certainly, like many passions, if you invest time and patience, you will acquire more knowledge and skills. In the Netherlands, the renowned Schoonhoven education offers certified education to become a goldsmith. For this, you would need to have a full-time availability, which if you want to start goldsmithing next to your work or other hobbies becomes a little tricky. Well, no stress for you because there is part-time education available in Amsterdam where you can learn goldsmithing in the evening hours. As far as I know, this one of the few in the Netherlands available to learn goldsmithing part-time. 

My common mistakes when starting a Dutch Goldsmithing Course

Mistake number 2: “I need to do a certified goldsmith education”.

As per mistake number one, my biggest mistake last year was to commit to a goldsmith course in Amsterdam to be certified as a goldsmith. Yes, you do learn the very basics, and you may be able to command higher prices for your creations with certification. However, note that you need time and a lot of money (!) to complete the gold- or silversmith course in Amsterdam. Therefore, before starting a course consider the following if you do this next to your work and/or studies:

  • Do I have the time and focus to dedicate at least 15 hours a week to complete goldsmithing homework?
  • How quickly do I want to learn how to make my favourite jewellery piece?
  • What type of jeweller do I aspire to be?
  • Do have the money to spend on tuition fees (in my case an average of 700 euros per semester) as well as expenses on materials and tools?
Do I have the time and focus to dedicate at least 15 hours a week to complete goldsmithing homework?

In my case, I juggled a demanding full-time job while attending evening classes for the goldsmithing education. My evenings were exhausting, often involving blurry-eyed cutting sessions after an eight-hour workday. Also I travel for work not being to join each class of the fixed classed hours. With a busy workweek, I found myself unable to balance homework for the goldsmith course, orders for Sien Jewellery, and my personal life. So, did I truly have the time and focus for a goldsmithing education? No. It's crucial to be honest with yourself.

How quickly do I want to learn how to make my favourite jewellery piece?

Furthermore, I had already started soldering, making rings, and working with silver before the formal education. A jewellery education typically starts with very basic exercises, like endless cutting repetitions on brass plates, rather than allowing you to create items you're eager to learn. While progress is inevitable, it takes years, with repeated exercises being a common theme.

What type of jeweller do I aspire to be?

Knowing the kind of jeweller I wanted to be and the pieces I wanted to create was my third consideration. If you have grand ambitions for high-end craftsmanship (think Cartier, Van Cleef & Arpels), full certification may be advisable. However, if you have specific learning goals, seeking tailored courses can offer quicker results and more focused practice. A goldsmith course provides a solid theoretical foundation and basic exercises, but ultimately, jewellery making is all about practice.

Do have the money to spend on tuition fees (in my case an average of 700 euros per semester) as well as expenses on materials and tools?

Lastly, the financial aspect. It's easy to overlook that goldsmithing homework requires extensive practice, meaning multiple attempts at cutting a figure into a brass plate (a potentially frustrating exercise). Additionally, materials cost money, and the prices of precious metals fluctuate. Don't forget to budget for a workbench (around 250 euros) and basic tools (approximately 80 euros) for your personal work spot. If you're enrolled in part-time education for two years, keep in mind that it might not necessarily conclude within that timeframe. Challenging homework exercises can extend your goldsmithing journey, requiring additional semester fees.

How to start goldsmithing techniques without a goldsmith diploma?

Mistake number 3: 'Oh no, without a certified education to become a goldsmith, I cannot become successful in jewellery making.'

This assumption is not true. There are different ways to learn how to make jewelry, with some starting from the very basics through a course, while others (like me) prefer to dive straight into learning the items they want to make. Here are the ways I've learned how to make jewellery:

Option 1: Learning goldsmithing for free

YouTube is your biggest friend. You'll be surprised by how much information is available on making jewellery, and one of the channels I absolutely love is Estona Metalsmithing.

I am fortunate to have an aunt working as a goldsmith to answer my questions when I get stuck on a jewelry design. But not everyone has a goldsmith aunt. For this, join goldsmith groups on Facebook where you can ask questions when getting stuck. The nice thing about this is that every goldsmith has a unique view on how to solve a jewellery design question, so by asking questions, you get to learn various techniques.

Practice makes perfect. You can ask a friend if they would like to commission your work, allowing you to practice a new item while creating a beautiful piece. At Sien Jewellery, the money I earn is put back into new jewellery designs I would like to learn. 

Option 2: Learning with some money investment (but still more affordable than a full goldsmith education)

Tailor your courses according to the jewellery pieces you would like to learn. Separate courses given by goldsmiths are available throughout the Netherlands. Also, Schoonhoven offers part-time courses where you can learn stone setting or other separate techniques. This not only allows you to make time for learning something when you indeed have time for it but also to fully concentrate on what you want to learn.

Are you working on a complicated jewellery item and would like some supervision? This is possible; in Amsterdam, there are separate studios that offer supervision while you are creating your jewellery piece. It's important to check how many teachers are available for one class and if they indeed have the attention for you. The reason is that if it's a full class with one teacher, you may have less supervision, meaning that you are just creating a jewellery piece in another atelier."

Mistake number 4: 'I need expensive equipment to make silver jewellery.'

This is not necessary; you can start with a simple basic kit of tools to figure out if you indeed enjoy jewellery making. For soldering, you can use a hand solder, which will do the trick.

After conducting some research, you might find yourself thinking that you need one heavy machine that costs over 1000 euros. There are two solutions to this: check if this can be outsourced to another goldsmith. In my case, for casting the shells, you need heavy machinery to create silicon molds, and for this, I outsource locally to ensure I have working molds. Second, as discussed before, join an atelier where you can get supervision for this new technique. In my experience, a fully equipped goldsmith atelier has different tools and/or machinery that you may not have. You can use this and receive training on how to do this (to avoid any accidents).


"I've encountered many situations where I was learning the traditional jewellery making technique, while quicker and more sophisticated tools are on the market to get the job done."


Mistake number 5: 'Every jewellery part needs to be hand-created by me.'

I have spent hours on creating a jewellery bezel to put a diamond in... It turns out that many bezels and even complete rings can be found readily made, ready to set the stone. In my case, I love making the bezel myself, but you will be surprised how many handy tools and ready-made designs are out there, reducing - sometimes unnecessary - handwork. My tip is to really do your research before creating a jewellery item. Ask in the store when buying materials how your idea can be best created. I've encountered many situations where I was learning the traditional jewellery making technique, while quicker and more sophisticated tools are on the market to get the job done. So, before diving into a completely new design, do your research on alternative techniques and the prices for these techniques for comparison. Sometimes, you may want to learn a complicated technique, whereas other times, you may save time and money by creating the same jewellery item with pre-made materials.


Mistake number 6: “Goldsmithing will bore you over time making the same items.”

No, there are numerous techniques in goldsmithing. In goldsmithing, there are various ways to work with precious metals and stones. The intriguing aspect of goldsmithing is that you can master one technique to perfection. For instance, stone setting. I used to think that stone setting was merely placing a stone in the ring, but there are numerous techniques for doing this (e.g. prong setting, bar setting, flush setting, and so forth). You can imagine that there are craftsmen solely specialized in setting stones. In other words, goldsmithing allows you to delve into a technique, master it, and open your world to the many options of performing a jewellery-making task.


"When you build up a decent amount of knowledge about stones, you can estimate the true value of a stone." 


Secondly, if you are more of a 'want to see quick results' person, quite basic techniques can result in amazing items. There are many accessible goldsmithing techniques to try out, such as wax casting, soldering a ring with a cabochon stone, or cutting a cute shape into a brooch. If you are bored or frustrated completing one challenging jewellery design, my advice is to work on another simpler project to split up your time and focus.

Thirdly, while I keep discussing goldsmithing techniques, I forget to mention how important it is to build knowledge about metals and precious stones. You can consider the symbolism of each stone, but more importantly, understand how stones and metals respond to heat, light, and colour combinations. This can help you better understand how stones and metals may respond when making your jewellery item. For example, what is the ideal temperature when silver melts, or how fragile is a stone when you want to set it into a ring.

Another instance when this comes in handy is when buying precious stones, such as diamonds, opals, sapphires, and so forth. When you build up a decent amount of knowledge about stones, you can estimate the true value of a stone by assessing if it is a real stone (no glass stones on your holiday far away...), the cut, the colour, and the type of stone.

Lastly, with your built knowledge on materials, stones, and ultimately the jewellery-making techniques, it will help you estimate the true value when purchasing jewellery. It aids you in assessing if you indeed have true sterling silver in your hand, differentiating between 14k gold and 18k gold, and determining if that jewellery is indeed handmade.

So, is goldsmithing boring? Not quite; you can deep-dive into various techniques. Alternatively, you can choose to remain on the surface, trying out different jewellery-making techniques until you find the one you absolutely love.

So there it is, my six beginner mistakes and learnings throughout the course of Sien Jewellery. Hopefully, this has helped you gain some clarity on how and when to start jewellery making in the Netherlands. Of course, I am always open to suggestions and comments (add here below) so we can all learn together, making goldsmithing more accessible and enjoyable for everyone.

Goldsmithing Amsterdam

1 comment


Very handy tips. This will held me develop even quicker on my Jewellery journey.

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